The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine  (PFLP) 2006-2007

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine  (PFLP) 2006-2007


    (Communicated by The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center)

    The PFLP has a small operational network in the Gaza Strip of several dozen operatives. Most of its activity in 2007 was channeled into attacks against IDF forces and included shooting attacks and planting IEDs near the border fence.

    In 2006 the IDF dealt a severe blow to PFLP leadership in Judea and Samaria by detaining two of its leaders, Ahmad Sa’adat, the general secretary, and Ahed Ghulmeh, head of the terrorist-operational wing. The two terrorists, who were responsible for the assassination of Minister of Tourism Rehavam Zeevi in 2001, were due to be released from a PA prison in Jericho despite agreements to the contrary. The IDF captured them on March 14, 2006 and transferred them to Israel for trial.

    The organization’s operational center in Judea and Samaria remained in Nablus, where it is directed from the Gaza Strip. The PFLP closely collaborates with Fatah. Most of its attacks are centered in Judea and Samaria.